Quotes tagged as "horse-riding" Showing 1-14 of 14
"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he/she will have to accept that his life will be radically changed." ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
"My ass hurts, Garrett." "Didn't we have this conversation when we first met?" ― Abigail Roux, Stars & Stripes
"Cowgirl Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the courage to take action in the face of fear." ― J.H. Lee
"And I learned this long ago, that sweet freedom can be found in the middle of a meadow, upon the back of a faithful mare. Careless and wild we both shall be, on our ride across familiar fields, with steps that blend into the earth below." ― Erin Forbes
"I have never had more pleasure than riding a horse naked at a fast gallop across an empty landscape. Riding is life. They rest is just pedestrian." ― Chloe Thurlow, A Girl's Adventure
"Time will come and riding horses will be seen by the whole society as a severe animal rights violation!" ― Mehmet Murat ildan
"When Mr. Caulfield was riding Stayner, his friend and pet horse, to work that morning, he passed the gas station. He was glad that he didn't have to worry about gas prices, like most people, because he didn't have a car. Instead, he just had to worry about getting odd looks from people who weren't used to seeing him ride a horse into town. At least, that was usually all that he had to worry about, but today was different." ― Jesse Haubert, We Found a Horse and Other Stories
"He swung up into the saddle and squeezed his legs, signaling Mickey to walk. Mickey obeyed, of course. Then they went into a trot and headed into the woods. Kevin urged Mickey into a canter and then into a gallop. He couldn't think of anything but the speed. It pulled him in and he was lost. He urged Mickey faster and faster. The gallop was his drug." ― Jesse Haubert, A Stranger In Everyone
"La plaine fit place à des rocailles parsemées de frêles arbustes et de fougères rabougries. Puis défilèrent sous les sabots ferrés de noires coulées basaltiques, d'où affleuraient nombre de cristaux de roche et de sardoines. Terres entrecoupées de loin en loin par des fissures traîtresses, franchies en sautant par-dessus au triple galop ! Lieu singulier, qui voyait s'ériger de-ci de-là des monuments : temples abandonnés, à demi ensevelis et aux toits empourprés tant ceux-ci étaient drus de joubarbe. Tours en ruines, venteuses, ceintes par le lierre et débordantes de ravenelle… Sites mystérieux du Vieil Empire, dont ils ne s'approchèrent jamais et où ils ne firent pas étape." ― Cyrille Mendes, Les Épieurs d'Ombre
"A horse wouldn't throw you off its back when you ride it. It would only throw you off when you take it for a ride." ― Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
"There was something about a handsome man astride a powerful horse that made my heart skip." ― Julianne Donaldson, Edenbrooke
"Success is like a wild horse. If you do not know how to handle it, it will throw you off and look for another rider who can handle it well." – Ajith Kumar" ― Ajith Kumara
"Giddon was younger even than Raffin, strong, and a good rider." ― Kristin Cashore, Graceling
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